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Geometric Eggs

Regular price $29.90 $29.90
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In times where screens are killing our children's creativity, it's up to you to choose games that will help train their brains and shape their future skills.

Geometric Eggs from Jackie's is that type of game that will not only boost your kids' intelligence to make them stand out among their peers but will also make you think: "Where has this been all my childhood?"

Creative Fun And Perfect Distraction

Kids can take them apart, match them, name numbers, and tell the colors. Comes in a container, and can be stored away easily and neatly. An excellent way to teach your child to clean up too!

This is a great "grow into more activities" toy-not one that will be thrown away in a month.

Interactive Montessori Toy With Many Learnings

Kids are focused on the centers and matching the pieces. They pull apart easily enough for little hands, yet stick together well enough so they don't come apart when the toddler throws them around.

This promotes their  motor skills, problem-solving, logical thinking, color perception and hand-eye coordination.


  • Set includes: 12 matching eggs
  • Material: BPA-free plastic
  • Size: see product picture
* Although there are currently international delivery problems and high demand, we still manage to deliver the product to you within
9-14 days to you.

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